Posts Tagged ‘spirit’
Parenting: The Journey of Figuring It Out (or Not)
Parenting: The Journey of Figuring It Out (or Not) Before I had kids, I thought I had it mostly figured out. I knew what kind of parent I wanted to be and, more importantly, what kind of parent I didn’t want to be. Then I became a mom to four completely different kids, and I…
Read MoreTo the Weary Parent: You Are Seen, You Are Loved, You Are Not Alone
Dear Struggling Parent, I see you. I hear you. I feel you. My heart aches for your journey. To the parent who bears the weight of doing it all on your own, whether you’re truly a single parent or simply find that your partner’s long hours leave you feeling isolated, the exhaustion you feel is…
Read MoreGetting Healthy: Deep Cleaning Your Life
I feel like all I do is clean when I am home. I am constantly wiping down, scrubbing toilets and tubs, vacuuming, dusting, mopping. Put the clothes in the wash. Push clothes in the dryer. Fold the clothes. Load the dishwasher. Unload the dishwasher. Always picking up. Always putting away. A lot of the time…
Read MoreGetting Healthy: What is Real Health?
How to find true health and be the best version of you. “A healthy outside starts from the inside.” – Robert Urich Being healthy is individualized. Not everyone is the same, so not everyone’s health looks the same. Of course this means the journey will not be the same either. For me, the real health…
Read MoreSleep: Why Is It Important and How Do We Get It?
How lack of sleep affects our mental health and some tips to help. “Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.” -Mahatma Gandhi Alright Gandhi, this is a little dramatic here. We don’t actually die then wake up reborn…but maybe it’s…
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