Posts Tagged ‘parenting’
Parenting: The Journey of Figuring It Out (or Not)
Parenting: The Journey of Figuring It Out (or Not) Before I had kids, I thought I had it mostly figured out. I knew what kind of parent I wanted to be and, more importantly, what kind of parent I didn’t want to be. Then I became a mom to four completely different kids, and I…
Read MoreTo the Weary Parent: You Are Seen, You Are Loved, You Are Not Alone
Dear Struggling Parent, I see you. I hear you. I feel you. My heart aches for your journey. To the parent who bears the weight of doing it all on your own, whether you’re truly a single parent or simply find that your partner’s long hours leave you feeling isolated, the exhaustion you feel is…
Read MoreResilient Parenting
Parents, Raising tweens and teens marks the beginning of the coaching phase of parenting, a time when the challenges shift from diapers and meal battles to guiding young adults who are starting to make their own decisions. Although it’s refreshing not to be responsible for every small detail, this phase brings new challenges. Your child…
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