Mistelle and son - No longer afraid

No Longer Afraid

I am facing what most would consider the greatest battle of my life right now, and yet my heart keeps singing, "It is well with my soul." My youngest son is scheduled for a minimum of 12 hours of surgery to remove the rare and aggressive cancer that doctors discovered just seven months ago. While I can admit I still have tough moments, I can also tell you that my faith has never been stronger, and I have never felt more ready to pull back my sling and release my stone into the forehead of this giant.

The giants in my life keep getting smaller as my perspective changes. What are these giants? They are anything that comes to threaten your hopes and dreams, steal your peace, or destroy your life and the lives of those you care about. It's that voice that taunts you, searching for weaknesses in your armor. It is the very thing that is only as powerful as you allow it to be.

These are bold statements, I know. 

As long as I saw myself as weak and small, my choices reflected that mindset. I was a victim in my own mind long before I ever turned to substances to change the way I felt. There were plenty of painful experiences that distorted my view of myself, the world, and even God. 

Now, I realize that was the enemy's goal all along.

I had parents who loved God. We were faithful members of our church, where my parents drove the Sunday school bus and helped in various ministries. I don’t ever remember not loving God, but I do remember the questions that filled my young mind about why people did the things they did. What I didn’t realize then was that, little by little, the things that happened in my life became the very places where lies would sneak in and take root in my heart. It took years, and many wrong decisions, before I recognized how lost my trust in God had become and how everything in my life had started to fall apart.

The Roots of Fear and Survival Mode

The drugs, the alcohol, the toxic relationships, and all the unhealthy choices I made were never enough to satisfy my need to escape myself. I couldn’t see that the root of my struggles was fear. Fear of not being loved. Fear of being alone. Fear of people and their rejection. Even fears I couldn’t name or fully understand.

One of our natural responses to trauma is to go into survival mode. As a child, I felt unsafe in certain situations without even realizing it, and my eight-year-old mind immediately began to do things to protect and preserve myself. Lying was one example. I didn’t lie because I wanted to…it was because I was afraid. But once I was caught in a lie, I felt shame, followed by even more fear, knowing I had disappointed people.

There was a time when showing disapproval seemed like a healthy way to communicate, but I’ve learned it’s not healthy at all. These fears and broken communication patterns spilled over into my relationship with God as well.

Fear has two meanings

Embracing Recovery as a Lifestyle

Recovery, for me, has been about letting go of old mindsets and belief systems that made me feel unworthy. It has been so exciting to see the fruit begin to show in my life! I am present in my relationships. I no longer live in fear of the future or stay stuck looking in the rearview mirror. I’ve embraced recovery as a lifestyle.

The God I love and serve today is good. He is just, patient, and compassionate, and He truly desires for me to prosper. I am now free to have as much fellowship with Him and as deep a relationship as I desire. By letting go of my preconceived notions of who He was, I made room for Him to show me who He really is.

No matter how big the trials may seem, I am confident that my God is greater. I trust Him to create something beautiful out of even the hardest circumstances.

Mistelle Sullivan

Mistelle has triumphed over experiences of sexual abuse, addiction, divorce, and the loss of a spouse. She understands the journey to sobriety from a personal standpoint and is now a trained recovery support peer specialist. Mistelle's personal commitment to growth and development is a rich well from which she coaches others, as the principles she shares are near and dear to her own lived experiences. She is committed to helping individuals heal their mind, body, and soul while also witnessing the healing and restoration of families.